Doing the Impossible



As children, we are raised to believe that anything is possible. But this belief seems to fade once the pressure of ‘real life’ kicks in and there are bills to be paid, career choices to be made, and social expectations to be met. When your childhood dreams are put on the back-burner for so long, how can you recreate yourself and start down the path to doing the impossible? In his new book, Doing the Impossible Patrick Bet-David, renowned entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and founder and chairman of People Helping People (PHP), pens a life-map for readers who want to experience life for all it’s worth. Each chapter is broken down into a lesson which lets readers take another step towards ‘doing the impossible.’

The 25 Laws for Doing the Impossible:
Re-Create Yourself

Invest In Your Identity
Let the Right Ones In
Protect Your Credibility Score
Strengthen Your Greatest Weapon
Challenge Your Way of Thinking
Know Your ‘Why?’
Work like It Was 1899
Elevate Imagination to a Whole New Level
Be as Curious as Alice
Break Away From the Old You
Identify your Cause

Decide to be the Chosen One
Go ‘All In’ With One Industry
Push the Envelope
Turn Your Cause into a Crusade
Channel Your Obsession
Evangelize Your Message
Aim for the Moon
Keep the Faith
Go Make History

Be Bold
Embrace Your Frustrations
Fight Adversity like Muhammad Ali
Let Controversy be Your Status Quo
Silence Your Critics
Charge Your Batteries with Challenges
Have Heart
Doing The Impossible

“If the impossible throughout history has become the imaginable, and then the actual, why do we think that our dreams are impossible for us to accomplish in our own lives?”
“If your why is strong enough, the how doesn’t matter.”
“Sometimes on the way to a dream you get lost and find a bigger one.”


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